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Intel SSDs

Written by IT News on 10:57 PM

Intel, the world's leading manufacturer of processors, intends to enter the market of storage with the publication of his readers Flash SSD. But it seems that the strategy Intel is slightly different than planned, according to Digi Times. First, they have the intention of their products by the end of this year in the third quarter. Secondly, the DBVARIANZ will in the next Centrino platform 2, also known under the name Monte Vina.

The SSD hard drives should be the industry standard to the next, as the technology develops and prices fall. SSD Drives gaining popularity among users of computers, mainly because they are the best features of the current SATA. Most of today are with SATA moving parts, which are reflected in the performance reduced as the latency period of movement and rotation of the head. They also have a bad habit, your data is lost because the shock of the breach and the failure of the various parties.

Intel new SSD Drives are designed for notebook users a reliable alternative to the current SATA. The new product range is on the market in two versions, under the names of customers M-X25 and X18 client or M. The first version has a size of 2.5 inches, while the later of 1.8 inches. The two DBVARIANZ will provide users with a storage capacity of 80 GB, for a laptop that is more acceptable.

The storage capacity is planned to increase that Intel plans to the capacity up to 160 GB to the end of the fourth quarter. In 2009, users are able to acquire, Intel DBVARIANZ with capacities of 250 and more. Intel disks should be based on its platform Monte Vina, which means that we do not see a large part of the Intel DBVARIANZ until the release of the second Centrino platform.

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