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Windows 7 from Milestone Builds to the Beta and Final Versions

Written by IT News on 6:34 AM

By: Marius Oiaga, Technology News Editor

Will the real Windows 7 availability date please stand up! Although officially, when Microsoft is in PR mode, the company points to 2010 for the supply of its next iteration of Windows, additional guidance, slip-ups and leaks point to the end of the 2009 deadline for the release of Windows 7. With Microsoft completely mum on the successor to Windows Vista, the speculation hand now served only crumbs from the Windows at 7 feast. And the last anodyne details made public from none other than Microsoft chairman Bill Gates, who noted that the windows 7 is the right way to ensure the availability of next year, in 2009.

"Sometimes, in the next year or so we will have a new version [of Windows 7]," Gates revealed in his speech at the Inter-American Development Bank, in accordance with the addition Binary. "I am super-enthused that he would do in many respects." By focusing on 2009, Gates was able to differ from the official schedule for Windows 7.

In mid-March, a representative of Microsoft Softpedia confirmed that "we are currently in the planning stages for 7 and Windows development scoped to three years with Windows Vista Consumer GA [general availability, or January 31, 2007]. Specific release date will be determined after the company meets its quality bar for liberation. "

With Steven Sinofsky, senior vice president, Windows and Windows Live Engineering Group, in charge of Windows 7 projects, Microsoft has made virtually no public details on the next version of Windows. Official confirmation has been given to promising invited and 32 - bit and 64 - bit versions, as well as animal-identification project to modularize and isolate low footprint part of the platform, namely the kernel, as a separate product dubbed MinWin.

Microsoft has so far invited windows 7 phase 1 and its closest partners and antitrust regulators for review. Windows 7 M2 is expected in April-May 2008 time frame, and Mary Jo Foley said she heard talk of phase 3.

Gates' words might well indicate the existence of common Windows 7 2009 2007. 2009 could be associated with the release of the first Windows beta 7. Eto even if there were indications that the windows 7 Beta 1 could fall in early October 2008, to be exact October 27-30, 2008, at Microsoft Professional Developers Conference (PDC) in Los Angeles.

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