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Nehalem CPUs Support 288 GB of DDR3

Written by IT News on 6:16 AM

By: Bogdan Botezatu, Hardware Editor

Intel's upcoming processors Nehalem as much promise in terms of productivity, while the chip manufacturer did not give a complete picture. Among the bits of information in Nehalem puzzle, Intel has hinted in chip users' capabilities to the large amount of memory, namely 288 GB of RAM purely DDR3.

One of the systems that were displayed during last week's Intel Developer Forum consisted of a dual-socket, six-channel DDR3 Tylersburg DP Gainestown based motherboard Beer in mediation on the part of the company. , Directional at the server market, the new board comes with six DDR3-1333 DIMM sockets on the processor, which means that it can support at least 12 memory modules.

Memory hippopotamuses were built with MetaRAM Hynix memory modules. Needless to say, these figures should be admired, and Intel took care to run its tests without the protective shell ship. The system stripped to the bone, and will only go to one of two CPU sockets are occupied, and the only one with 8 GB MetaRAM Hynix DDR3 DIMM.

This could be the beginning of a new generation of motherboards that can take maximum 9 DDR3-1066 channels on the GPU, or 18 channels on board. Given the fact that 16 GB of memory modules can be created when fill all 18 channels with 16 GB DIMM memory, Intel may reach the plateau, at least 288 gigabytes of RAM.

Of course, such an amount of system memory will not be used for the Counter-Strike shootout with the guys on the local network, but there are many applications that could benefit from the incredible memory horsepower. The chip manufacturer demonstrated miniature supercomputer working memory-intensive programs.

The test was carried out using the recently introduced ATI FireGL 7700 DisplayPort working graphics card, but let us not forget that Larrabee silicon is just around the corner, and it comes with an impressive increase in graphics performance.

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