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HDD Thermometer 1.3

Written by IT News on 7:09 AM

HDD Thermometer for your hard disk temperature and prevent overheating.

HDD Thermometer is a hard disk temperature monitoring applications. It has all the capabilities necessary to prevent overheating and possible data loss.

HDD Thermometer use SMART technology to gain access to the hard disk temperature. Most modern hard disks provide a temperature value through SMART So if at least one of your hard disks supports this feature than this program will be useful for you.

When designing HDD thermometer, we aimed to create fast, small, and feature-rich software. We felt that we have been able to do so. The greater part of his life program eats about 400 KB of memory, CPU usage is minimal, too.

Here are some key features:

  • Monitor hard drive temperature changes;
  • Ability to perform any of the following acts when a warning or exceed the critical temperature: Display a notification sound, call Completion Statement / Hibernate
  • Show hard disks temperature in SysTray;
  • Signups temperature changes;
  • Ability to set individual settings for each hard drive.


  • nag screen
Developer: RSD Software
License: Freeware
Size / OS: 265 KB, Windows All
Last Updated: November 23rd, 2006, 14:31 GMT
Download HDD Thermometer 1.3

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