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72% of US Population Plays Games

Written by IT News on 10:08 AM

By: Calin Ciabai, Games Editor

According to the latest reports from sales tracking NPD Group argue that the game population in the United States grew to 72% in 2007 compared with 64% in 2006. Offline play more wins battle against online play, and only 42% of those who spend their time enjoying video games do it on the Internet. Another aspect of interest identified in the study is the fact that only 2-3% of the total own multiple consoles - and the things it is unlikely to change in the near future, bearing in mind that any new consoles scheduled to be released.

When it comes to online play percentage, PC systems beats the crap of consoles, holding 90% of the market. As strange as it might seem, only 10% of online players are aged 18-24, with children aged 2-12 driving about 40% of online games.

Internet-console war is won by the owners of Xbox 360 - from 50% to XBL play, and they really loved, because they spend more time online than PC or PS3 games. Nevertheless, the average time spent online by the players is 20 hours per week, which means about 3 hours a day, which still means that gamers DO have a social life, and they do not spend all their free time playing. And they are certainly not autists, they do not have Aspergers syndrome, or any other stupid disease or something, as some scientists argue.

Anita Frazier, NPD analyst said: "Despite the additions in the industry online game connection, it is still relatively small compared to the offline game. There is a large untapped market for games in general and online games, in particular."

Yes, we agree. WoW can not hold all gamers worldwide. Can Age Konan will be successful as "The World Warcraft, and the number will change. But that ... only time can tell.

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