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Apple's iPhone will be in China

Written by IT News on 6:13 AM

Entering 2008, after many rumors and speculation, China Mobile said its negotiations with Apple iPhone for China, was canceled. This, even though Apple never mentioned
There have official talks with the Chinese aviation companies (despite the fact that many mobile users do not want an iPhone).

Recently, a few days ago, Reuters reported that Wang Jian Zhou, China Mobile's chief executive, said: "We have not officially started, the further discussions with the 'Apple iPhone problem." However, Wang Jian Zhou, but added: "As long as our customers this type of product, we keep all options open." This means that if Apple and China Mobile to reach an agreement to benefit both sides, the users in China, finally have the chance to buy craved iPhone. For the legally buy, I will say, because the device may already purchased, released on the black market in China. And people are really buying, as there are more than 400000 units sold in this way.

So far, Apple has managed to send more than 4 million iPhones world, and this figure is considerably greater if the company released the product in China. The country with the highest number of participants in the world (more than 520 million US dollars), and it is obviously one of the most important markets for all leading manufacturers.

With more than 376 million subscribers, China Mobile is not only the largest mobile operator in the country, but also the largest in the world, and therefore an understanding with them Apple will certainly bring benefits. Be that as it may, even if the iPhone is not about China Mobile, it may be still in the Chinese market to beat when Apple signed an agreement with China Unicom, the second largest air carrier in the country (more than 150 million subscribers). There were also rumours that the iPhone will be first sold in China via D. Phone, one of the first mobile phone retailers, but until now there is no official information about this topic.

As we are already in 2008, Apple might want to wait until the 3G iPhone is implemented, access to the Chinese market directly with the latest version of the device. But this means that China must take the form of users still waiting. In any case, China will be the iPhone (even if it is at a cost of about $ 500, more than a normal user can afford, Chinese), Apple should seriously try to make available as soon as possible .

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