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IBM as giant Investors in EnterpriseDB

Written by IT News on 5:19 PM

By: Ionut Arghire, Windows Editor

IBM decided to invest in the launch that commercializes database PostgreSQL, EnterpriseDB. This is approximately four weeks after the lock-up of the open source MySQL database system, Sun Microsystems. Thus, IBM joins Charles River Ventures, Fidelity Ventures, and Valhalla Partners in investing in EnterpriseDB. The move comes as a surprise to some, like IBM, as a rule, do not invest in startups.
While it is a venture group, his goal only to follow the promising startups, and to recommend which companies are the best acquisition targets.

In addition, EnterpriseDB announced 10 million U.S. United States is more venture capital in the financing, although no details of IBM share in the financing of the launch were given. The only comment that Andy Astor, CEO of EnterpriseDB, gave was that IBM holds a minority role in a series of X ". According to Astor, IMB believes that the company is willing to businesses. This is the first time that IBM invests in commercial companies, but there are some other forms of open-source support in the past. One of them, valued at $ 40 million IBM has been on the development of Eclipse programmer in the workplace, which culminated in the gift of open-source code.

IBM has a long history of supporting initiatives to open source, including Linux, Apache, and Eclipse, as Inna Kuznetsova, director of Linux strategy at IBM, said in a statement. On the other hand, applications written for Oracle, IBM chief competitor in terms of market data, it is necessary to change a little to run on EnterpriseDB. As soon launch an "Oracle-compatible" database on the market, according to Astor, IBM has been interested in this issue is very easy to see. FTD Florists exemplifies firms that use EnterpriseDB to substitute its Oracle database reporting system.

Venture capital funding EnterpriseDB has garnered a total of 37.5 million U.S. USA. In the work of architect databases Bruce Momjian is a leading integrator of the PostgreSQL open source project. The group has other notable participants, and. Some of them were on the PostgreSQL project, too. Heikki Linnakangas and Pavan Deolasee were in the company last year, while four other database programmers worked in the past.

In recent releases of PostgreSQL community to ensure compliance with the ANSI SQL standard, as well as increased throughput performance of the transaction. A number of other databases, open-source omitted these, so they are considered enterprise performance.

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