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New ASUS Graphic Cards

Written by IT News on 10:20 PM

ASUS has announced the release the recent past day disperse two graphics cards based on AMD in the dual RV670XT GPUs. In ASUS EAH3850 SMART OC/HTDI/1G allows users to get up to 12% increase in the speed of high voltage, with a simple click of the button, which is located just above the DVI output. Button easily access and allows users to switch to high-voltage mode, and only when necessary in order to save energy differently. Other cards, ASUS EAH3870X2 TOP/G/3DHTI/1G, provides up to 6% increase in the speed in breaking up mode.

When turning ASUS EAH3850 SMART OC/HTDI/1G high-voltage mode, the basis of the speed with which comes from the GPU 669MHz to 796MHz and memory clock speeds up to 990MHz to 1100MHz. It is a simple click of the button gives you a 12% increase performance reference design cards. There is no wasted energy, as can be back to normal tension with the same buttons. In 1GB memory comes to the full implementation of graphics cards, allowing users to run the most demanding games without delays or stuttering at high resolutions.

ASUS has taken care of the temperature level. The new graphics card is cooled by a new specially designed cooling system from ASUS, the Glaciator Fansink. The system fully deserves its name because it can transfer heat from the GPU with a maximum of efficiency, keeping the temperature from 20 ° C lower than the reference design boards. This system is not only more efficient but also about 50% quieter than the overall fansinks. In order to ensure greater stability of the system, ASUS EAH3850 SMART OC is a cross heatsink which can lower Power IC temperature from 11 ° C.

In other graphics cards, ASUS EAH3870X2 TOP/G/3DHTI/1G allows up to 6% increase productivity. In GPU core speed can be increased from 825MHz to 851MHz, and memory clock speed can be increased from 900MHz to 945MHz. In the dispersal capabilities of the graphics card and its DDR3 0.8ns memory modules are designed to enhance productivity and improve the user experience.

In ASUS EAH3870X2 TOP graphics card has two additional events can display four DVI video output. Its dual fansinks specially designed to be more effective than the reference designs of one of them, dispel more heat away from the board and give more stability and performance improvements. Users can enjoy the superb gaming experience with the ASUS GPU, and.

Both of these new graphics cards are designed for DirectX10 games, and high performance multimedia playback, in the best resolutions. Both are in line with the quality of ASUS in Rock solid promises. ASUS EAH3850 SMART OC functions luminant LED DVI output to facilitate communication in the dark and stylish sustainer ago, which prevents the card from bending. ASUS EAH3870X2 TOP has reduced EMI shield 3 ~ 10dB EMI interference and provide a stable signal.

In addition, the new DIP Spring Chokes elected this video card low temperatures between 5 and 10 ° C, compared with the traditional chokes, while authorities polymer capacitors less energy loss. Stability remains Thus, even if the card is in the mode of dispersal, providing users with a high level of experience they can expect.

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