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Look like Intel will launch Nehalem-Based CPUs this year

Written by IT News on 10:05 AM

In Intel Nehalem architecture is the best bet for the future right now, and it really seems that "Chipzilla" done everything in its power to come up with Kingston becomes the basis of this architecture as soon as possible, with no less of these three components are scheduled to arrive in the fourth quarter of 2008.

As Monica Chen reports DigiTimes cites as an Unnamed within the framework of a source of many Taiwan-based motherboard manufacturers, it seems that the chip manufacturer will likely come up with three new Bloomfields by the end of the year, each them to target new Intel LGA1366 nest. Kingston becomes the three, although not yet officially named, are supposedly code name-XE, P1 and MS and are placed at the heart speeds of 3.2GHz, 2.93GHz and 2.66GHz, respectively.

According to the same source, each of Kingston enters will have TDP of 130 W, 8MB of L3 cache and will support simultaneous multi-threading (SMT) technology. So as one processor is not really worth that much without a platform to support it, it would seem that Intel is preparing the X58 and ICH10 chipset combination for 4 - you start quarter, just in time to support those in above Kingston enter the Nehalem.

The new X58 chipset will be quite a part of the work on its own because it will be used on Intel QuickPath Interconnect (QPI) architecture, eventually replacing the FSB. Furthermore, Intel is likely to "go to bed with the enemy" because their platform is likely to feature four PCI Express 8x slots and support of AMD Quad CrossFireX technology (no word of any Nvidia SLI support for the moment, though) .

All in all, it would seem that Intel happens to their plans for domination of the market while AMD processor and has some interesting messages lately, it remains to be seen whether she will be able to hold its own against its much - great opponent and his Nehalems.

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