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IBM plans to enter cloud computing software business

Written by IT News on 3:39 AM

IBM IBM will reportedly sell a collection of Web-based applications, including instant messaging, contact and file sharing programs for businesses. This is part of the company's largest effort to sell software as a service, a move that was presented on Wednesday, and IBM in direct competition with other
leading companies like Microsoft, Google and Zoho privately.

According to a recent news article from Reuters, companies, with IBM Software will be between $ 10 and $ 45 per month, since the applications will be based on IBM servers and the Internet. According to the company, the suite will be held April 7. "What you see is the beginning of the entire IBM enterprise on the path to cloud computing" IBM Vice President Sean Poulley said.

IBM to move something to be expected given that cloud computing is becoming one of the biggest buzz concepts. The term is associated to one of a large number of IT companies to end users with various IT services over the Internet and remote data centers. The cloud refers to a virtual location, for access to data which cover a number of datacenters around the world. To access data from the users who only use an Internet-connected device, thereby minimizing the need for advanced computer systems, which is a very space and power hungry.

Recent estimates of R-tech company Gartner, the global market for cloud-based IT services, software and memory to around U.S. $10 billion in 2009. But on the other hand, the traditional software business model is about $223 billion, according to estimates from Gartner. But the industry is increasingly interested in the development and adoption of cloud computing, is likely to be the standard business model in the near future.

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