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McAfee got Final Report on the SPAM Experiment

Written by IT News on 5:23 PM

The McAfee team has recently completed an analysis of all data from SPAM (short for spam constantly All month) and one report is available. Entitled "Global SPAM Diaries", the report contains detailed and comprehensive presentation of all the McAfee findings.

Jeff Green, senior vice president of McAfee comments: "What I have gained over the last 30 days? Well, at least my itch of this template that curiosity, click on each and everything about World Wide Web just to see the result. Clearly a click of the moment in the window or signing up for diet advice in the form of a newsletter, as expected foolish. I will continue to be more diligent payer much more attention when I enter my personal email address and my contact information."

People from ten countries took part in the experiment (5 each), and depending on the McAfee report of the United States came in the early rankings. U.S. participants were given a total of 23233 spam messages that are about 22% of the total amount of spam received during the entire month. Brazil and Italy came in number 2 and 3, but the difference between the two is rather small (Italy needed only 246 messages to catch up to Brazil, which has a total of 15856 messages). Germany came in last with only 2331 messages, or 2%.

With respect to the participants, Bill on the U.S. came in number 1, 9160 with a total of spam messages. Giuseppe of Italy and Brazil on Geraldo came in number 2 and 3. Just as in the country rankings, the difference between the second and third place is too small. Geraldo needed only 490 more spam messages to catch up with Giuseppe which have a total of 6490. At least spam participant was John from Australia, which have a total of 3759 messages.

All that the amount of spam led to all kinds of malicious software installed on their machines and a significant reduction of computing power.

Guy Roberts, director of AVERT Labs: "Many of our players noticed that their computers were slowing, this means that while they were surfing, unbeknownst to them, Web sites were installing malicious software. In fact that in only 30 days they commented on noticeable change in the power of their computers demonstrates how much malicious software is installed without the knowledge of innocent people. "

The experiment began on 1 - Your May 2008 and a total of 50 people took part in it. In the McAfee team instructed them to leave aside all precautions and surfing the web. Of course laptops and electronic addresses are generously provided by McAfee. The purpose of the experiment is to see how many spam messages will be received for a period of 30 days and how that will affect the consumer.

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