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Half a glass of wine per day may prolong your life by about five years

Written by IT News on 3:58 AM

It is well known that drinking wine can benefit your health, but his long-term effects on the human body have never been analyzed in such a large scale. In a study of 40 years, between 1960 and 2000, Dutch researchers monitored the life and drinking habits of more than 1373 randomly selected men, with regular check-ups once or more per year. The long-term study was to determine the exact relationship between cardiovascular health and people in the overall risk of dying of conditions.

In a scientific study published ahead of print in the latest issue of the Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, the authors say that the analysis of results showed that drinking just half a glass of wine per day can be very beneficial for women as they could live on average five years longer than those who do not drink wine per day. But they warn, the effect does not stack up, which means that if you drink one or two glasses a day, they will not live ten to 20 years. In fact, it is very likely that they will die sooner, because of alcohol-related conditions.

During 40 years of monitoring, researchers looked at how much alcohol the men drank, the type of beverage, but also how often they did. Their main aim was to determine the drinking habit was worse, and it left the smallest "footprint" on the body. The study also aims to determine which type of alcohol led to the development of cardiovascular or cerebrovascular disease, and if this can be prevented, PhysOrg reports.

More than 600 deceased men to cardiovascular disease in 40 years, about half of the total number of 1130 deaths. From 1960 to 2000, the proportion of men who drank alcohol almost doubled, from 45 to 86, a phenomenon that is immediately associated with an increase in the number of deaths in drink-related diseases. Although only two percent of participants drank wine at the beginning of the study, more than 44 percent did so in 2000. The conclusion of the study was that moderate alcohol consumption of up to 20 grams per day can increase life expectancy by at least two years.

Those who do not drink at all had a lower life expectancy than moderate drinkers, or on leave, while those who consumed more than 20 grams of alcohol per day had a life, it was a little lower than in moderate drinkers. In addition, they are only in small quantities of wine, not beer or spirits, lived on average five years longer than those who drank nothing. They lived 2.5 years longer than those who consumed beer and spirits.

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