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College students who use Facebook tend to have lower grades and spend less time studying than non-users

Written by IT News on 3:52 AM

Although the link between the use of social media and low grades in school or college has not been done, researchers conducting a new study on social media cannot fail to notice that students who are most free time on Facebook tends to have the lowest rating of all persons were examined. The researchers is responsible for the research stresses that an active role in social media traffic does not mean that these students studied less, or had a lower than average intellect. It simply means that these correlations should be examined more thoroughly.

Ohio State University education researcher Aryn Karpinski told Live Science that students in the survey, which was highly active on Facebook farm a GPA of about 3.0 to 3.5, unlike young people who reported little or no social media activities. Their GPA levels in the category 3.5 to 4.0. Karpinski revealed that these links do not imply causality in the sense that there may be other factors at stake, what drove these students have lower grades.

The expert also noted that Facebook users spent between 1 and 5 hours per week studying or otherwise get ready for school, while non-users have a much greater interest in their training, studies between 11 and 15 hours per week , and sometimes even more. Karpinski also said that these results do not necessarily mean that social media users were less interested in school. These children have more time to non-learning, extra-activities such as music, or work, and not necessarily on Facebook.

Moreover, how much time devoted to learning and reading also depends on the student's personality. There are those young people who study all day just because of that, or who are really interested in the subject they taught in schools and colleges. On the other hand, others simply meet the minimum requirements to remain in school, while devoting their time to their hobbies, or just do things that are not related to their education.

Karpinski research will be presented April 16, at the annual meeting of the American Education Research Association, and contains information about how students react when you see the questions on the social media behavior. "They are very territorial about Facebook," the researcher shared, underlines the fact that they tried to introduce a bias, either positive or negative, in the questionnaires.

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