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A much feared sight for a lot of Xbox 360 owners

Written by IT News on 3:39 AM

Xbox 360 is now one of the most popular console, largely because it has a low price, a large library of titles and was the first next-generation platform to appear on the market. But his life was not the best, as a result of a very hard problem with a large number of users to see the three red lights appear on the button to open the console, a symbol of a general system failure.

"Affectionally" called the Red Ring of Death, after the blue screen of death errors that plague the Microsoft Windows operating system for this problem is much more common and aggravating for people, which meant that they must take their produce Authorized Service Provider for them to be repaired. But now it seems that things start looking for, at least according to the group product manager for Xbox 360 Microsoft's Aaron Greenberg.

He recently spoke with Edge and found that the worst problems hardware for the Xbox 360 is gone, and now, thanks to new versions of the console, such as the latest model of Jasper, with better cooling and lighter parts of the hardware, it will be much easier for players.

"We've improved that [repair] process," says Kant. "It is very fast, and they can update your system with the latest technology. So, that works really well. What is it to isolate and understand the problem, fixing the issue, and more that we can solve this problem, and the is fixed, then we are well. We have put the worst behind us in this, but we know that there are systems of delay, so we take them and make it right."

So there you have it, users of the Xbox 360 it seems that things are not so bad in the future and hopefully the console Red Ring be free until the next version of Microsoft's consoles will arrive, which was not in a while 'time.

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