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Intel P45-enabled mobo with UD3

Written by IT News on 8:14 PM

Gigabyte, a leading manufacturer of motherboards and graphics cards, has just announced its new, revolutionary Ultra Durable 3 technology, which will be activated in several of the company's motherboard built on Intel's P43 and P45 chipsets. The underlying innovation of new technologies developed by the Taiwanese manufacturer is that this is the first desktop motherboard designed to incorporate two ounces of copper for both Power and the soil layer.

Gigabyte's Ultra Durable 3 (UD3) technology has been designed to enable desktop computer to run cooler. According to the company, motherboards are equipped with the new UD3 technology could provide up to 50 degrees C cooler working temperatures, compared with traditional mobos. This was achieved with the help of two ounces of copper for power and land near the layer, while the standard motherboard only has a single ounce of copper for each of them.

In addition to launching its new technology, the company has also announced that its P45 motherboard, which provides support for DDR2 memory up to 1366MHz, will also be included with UD3. Also, it remains to be unveiled X58-equipped Extreme mobo will benefit from the advantages that the newly developed technology and thereby causes System and users with one of the highest performance platforms to be released on the market.

Gigabyte also approached the issue of the new Quick Boost technology, a program that aims to provide 3 levels of CPU performance enhancements. The technology will mainly let the novice and experienced users will benefit from overclocking their systems processor. Quick Boost will be available with the company's P45 and P43-based mobos, although Gigabyte would also be able to offer this technology for some of its upcoming motherboard, including the range of X58-based solutions.

So far, no specific details on pricing or availability of a new and improved P45 and P43 mobos become available. Keep an eye on this space for when they are. [source softpedia]

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